GTAV: Mansion Gate

The automatic gates can push cars aside like they are nothing, if you trigger them correctly.

GTAV - Auto Mansion Gate - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Michael

GTAV Club Glitch

Sometimes if you go to the club with another one of the main characters in GTAV, you can swap back and forth between the characters so much one will disappear. In this shot, Franklin is essentially invisible, and the camera is focused on Michael, though you can still ask him to leave.

GTAV - Club Glitch - Grand Theft Auto

GTA V Online - Trusting NPC

I'm a fairly trusting person, but I'm fairly certain if I was in yellow-glove's situation there, I'd probably do something more than stare deeply into the eyes of the armed creepy character in the hockey mask.

GTAV - Grand Theft Auto Online - NPCs
"Hey... what's up?"

GTAV - Grand Theft Auto Online - NPCs
Can you hold on second? I almost beat this level on Candy Crush.

Messing with NPCs, and seeing how they react online is a fun way to waste time. Incidently, we've noted some of the masks online come with the unfortunate side effect of baldness. Putting them on and taking them off can help quite a bit with shaking the wanted level, but many times the hair of the character seems to be deleted until you can go in for another haircut. This seems to happen more with the full masks that cover the whole head, but even a mask like the one in this screenshot has caused this glitch.

Michael Gets Busted for Smoking

Michael decided to take a quick break in his son's room while having some stars on him. They really seem to take these minor offenses seriously in GTAV.

GTAV - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Smoking Cops Busted
I swear, it's a vase!

The authorities were not in a forgiving mood.

The sequence is executed by having a high enough wanted level cops will enter your home in the game, and going to a small cutscene sequence, such as drinking, or watching something. The Police will often patiently wait until you are done, brandishing their weapons but holding fire. It can create some pretty funny moments in-game if you time it right.


Well, that was a somewhat disturbing result of exploring the island in GTAV.

Grand Theft Auto 5 - GTAV - Weird Map Face Screenshot
It's slimer!